Copy of We are light-sustainable-respectful of nature and people!


All of our materials are made from hemp. Although the cannabis plant has been known to Lithuanians for a long time, many have either not heard of its capabilities or have long forgotten about them. For example, hemp fabric has several unique properties: it’s non-allergenic, thermoregulatory, and exceptionally durable. Besides, cannabis uses up to 50% less water as it grows compared to cotton. No pesticides are ever used for cultivation, as cannabis is considered a weed that is already particularly abundant, so it grows almost anywhere.

We aim to revive the forgotten cannabis culture and present what has long been discovered in a new, creative way, with respect not only for nature but also for humanity. The design we create emphasizes exclusivity but remains light and simple.

Our team consists of respectful, like-minded people who are constantly looking for partners with the same values and approach to sustainability. We look at everything responsibly, from the quality of the material to the environmentally friendly packaging. We always honestly share our work and give what we earn to professionals that help us fulfil our ideas, creating new jobs even in small Lithuanian towns.